Oaxaca, México

Choose your favorite Venue, let´s Celebrate!

Downtown Experiences

Cardenal Oaxaca Social Venue

Max 300 px aprox.
Curfew 2 AM
Starting at $ 125 K MXP
( 7 K USD aprox.)

Kaku Secret Gallery

Max 60 px aprox. for a Wedding & 80 px aprox. for a Cocktail
Curfew 2 AM
Starting at $ 35 K MXP
( 2 K USD aprox.)

On The Road Experiences

Outside the City

Ámbito Contry Hall

Unlimited Guests
No Curfew
Starting at $ 50 K MXP
( 2.8 K USD aprox.)

Schedule a Physical or Virtual Tour & Save your Date Now

A Weekend of Celebration

The Whole Oaxacan Epexierience in a 3 Days Package

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OTV Secret Sessions

A diverse musical endeavor through our Venues

Tierra del Soul
Cardenal Oaxaca Social Venue

Sensemaya Son Cubano
Ambito Contry Hall

Luna Sur
Cardenal Oaxaca Social Venue

Junta Vecinal
Cardenal Oaxaca Social Venue

Luna Sur
Kaku Secret Gallery

Duo Sentimiento
Cardenal Oaxaca Social Venue

Dj Rmz Mix & Dj Luigi One
Cardenal Oaxaca Social Venue